MAY-JUNE 2018 – Lorraine Ballato, a long-time contributor to Connecticut Gardener, recently published her second book, Success with Hydrangeas – A Gardener’s Guide.
Lorraine is an acknowledged expert on the subject and teaches a course on hydrangeas at the New York Botanical Garden. If you’re having trouble with your hydrangeas, or just love them, you should get this book.
When a garden includes hydrangeas, you can count on months of consistent carefree color if you know what to do with them.
Success with Hydrangeas gives tips for both pros and novice gardeners alike on how to grow this popular shrub. Each of the 13 chapters covers the whys and wherefores in easy-to-understand language with photos and illustrations.

Success with Hydrangeas: A Gardener’s Guide – Softcover, 180 pages, 150 color photos. $24.95. Available at and