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Plant Identification
- Connecticut Botanical Society (New Haven)
- Go Botany (New England Wildflower Society)
- Leafsnap
- Missouri Botanical Garden Plant Finder
- Plants of the World Online (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew)
- The Plant List
- UConn Plant Database
- USDA PLANTS Database
- World Checklist of Vascular Plants (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew)
Sources for Native Plants
- American Beauties Native Plants (Delaware)
- Ballek’s Garden Center (East Haddam)
- Sam Bridge Nursery & Greenhouses (Greenwich)
- Broken Arrow Nursery (Hamden)
- Colonial Seed Company (Windsor)
- Earth Tones Native Plants (Woodbury)
- Eco59
- Eden’s Natives Nursery – Ellington
- Hollandia Nurseries (Bethel)
- National Audubon Society – Native Plant Database
- National Wildlife Federation – Native Plant Finder
- Natureworks (Northford)
- New England Wetland Plants, Inc (Amherst, Mass.)
- New England Wildflower Society (Framingham, Mass.)
- O’Brien Nurserymen (Granby)
- Perennial Harmony (East Lyme)
- Planter’s Choice Nursery (Newtown & Watertown) wholesale
- Prides Corner Farms (Lebanon) wholesale
- Summer Hill Nursery (Madison) supply retail nurseries
- Woodland Gardens (Manchester)
Soil Testing
- Conn. Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES) (New Haven & Windsor)
- Harrington’s Organic Land Care (Bloomfield)
- UConn (Storrs)
- UMass (Amherst, Mass.)
Bulbs, Compost, Mulch, Recycling, Seeds & Supplies
- Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds (Wethersfield)
- Coast of Maine Organic Products (Portland, Maine)
- Colonial Seed Company (Windsor)
- Colorblends – quantity flowerbulbs (Bridgeport)
- Comstock Garden Seeds (Wethersfield)
- Cooper’s Landscape Supplies (Danbury)
- Fruition Seeds (Canandaigau, N.Y.)
- Green Earth Ag & Turf (Branford)
- Grillo Services (Milford)
- Harrington’s Organic Land Care (Bloomfield)
- The Chas. C. Hart Seed Co. (Wethersfield)
- Harvest New England (Ellington, Fairfield & Farmington)
- High Mowing Organic Seeds (Wolcott, Vt.)
- Hudson Valley Seed Library (Accord, N.Y.)
- New England Seed Company (East Hartford)
- North Country Organics (Bradford, Vt.)
- Organic Mechanics (Modena, Pa.)
- Organic Plant Magic (Marshfield, Mass.)
- John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds (Bantam)
- Select Seeds & Plants (Union)
- Something To Crow About Dahlias (Cornwall)
- Sweet Peet
- Turtle Tree Biodynamic Seed Initiative (Copake, N.Y.)
Connecticut Companies
- Bobbex (Monroe)
- Colonial Seed Company (Windsor)
- Colorblends – quantity flowerbulbs (Bridgeport)
- Green Earth Ag and Turf (North Branford)
- New England Seed (East Hartford)
- John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds (Bantam)
- Select Seeds (Union)
- Wilt-Pruf (Essex)
Garden Clubs
- The Federated Garden Clubs of CT (Branford)
- The Garden Club of America (New York, NY)
- CT Outdoors with Suzanne Thompson (WMRD 1150 AM – Middletown & WLIS 1420 AM – Old Saybrook)
- Garden Talk with Len, Lobster Bob & Lisa (WTIC 1080 AM – Farmington)
- That Garden Guy with Lee Ganim (WICC 600 AM) Sunday 8-9 AM
Connecticut Resources
- American Society of Landscape Architects (CT Chapter)
- Association of Professional Landscape Designers (CT Chapter)
- Aton Forest (Norfolk)
- Bartlett Arboretum & Gardens (Stamford)
- Bonsai Society of Greater Hartford
- Bonsai Society of Greater New Haven
- Call Before You Dig
- College of Agriculture & Natural Resources (UConn) (Storrs)
- Conn. Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES)
- CAES Insect Information Office (New Haven & Windsor)
- CAES Plant Disease Information Office (New Haven)
- Conn. Botanical Society (New Haven)
- Conn. Butterfly Association
- Conn. Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (New Haven)
- Connecticut College Arboretum (New London)
- Conn. Community Gardening Association (New Haven)
- Conn. Conservation Districts
- Conn. Dahlia Society
- Conn. Daylily Society
- Conn. Dept. of Agriculture (Hartford)
- Conn. Farm Bureau (Windsor)
- Conn. Flower & Garden Show (Hartford)
- Conn. Forest & Park Association (Rockfall)
- Connecticut Grown: The Local Flavor (Vernon)
- Conn. Herb Association (Newington)
- Connecticut’s Historic Gardens
- Conn. Hop Growers Association (Enfield)
- Conn. Horticultural Society (Rocky Hill)
- CT IPM – Integrated Pest Management (UConn)
- Conn. Invasive Plant Working Group (UConn)
- Conn. Iris Society
- Conn. Land Conservation Council (Rockfall)
- Conn. Master Gardener Association (Hartford)
- Conn. Nature Conservancy (New Haven)
- CT NEMO (Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials) Haddam
- Connecticut’s Notable Trees (New London)
- Conn. Nursery & Landscape Association (Monroe)
- Conn. Orchid Society (Farmington)
- CT Outdoors with Suzanne Thompson (radio show)
- Conn. Rose Society (Hartford)
- CT State Community College (various locations)
- Conn. Tree Protective Association
- Conn. Valley Mycological Society
- Conn. Urban Forest Council
- Council on Environmental Quality (Hartford)
- Elizabeth Park (Hartford)
- Experiment Station Associates (New Haven)
- Fairfield County Agricultural Extension Council (Bethel)
- Garden of Ideas (Ridgefield)
- Goodwin Conservation Education Center (Hampton)
- Greenwich Botanical Center (Greenwich)
- Hardy Plant Society of New England (CT Chapter)
- The Herb Society of America (CT Unit)
- Highstead (Redding)
- Hollister House Garden (Washington)
- Invasive Plants Council
- Knox Parks Foundation (Greater Hartford)
- Mad Gardeners
- Marsh Botanical Garden at Yale University (New Haven)
- Merritt Parkway Conservancy (Stamford)
- National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
- National Weather Service Alerts for Connecticut
- New Canaan Nature Center
- North American Rock Garden Society (CT Chapter)
- Northeast Organic Farming Association of CT (Stevenson)
- Nutmeg State Orchid Society
- Oak Lawn Cemetery & Arboretum (Fairfield)
- Prides Corner Farms (Lebanon)
- Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture (UConn) (Storrs)
- Reduce Runoff (New Haven)
- Rhododendron Society of CT (Windsor)
- Sessions Woods WMA & Conservation Education Center (Burlington)
- Tolland Garden Paths (Tolland)
- Tolland County Agricultural Center (Vernon)
- Tree Wardens Association of Conn. (Wallingford)
- UConn Cooperative Extension Centers
- UConn Extension Master Gardener Program
- UConn Home & Garden Education Center (Storrs)
- UConn Plant Diagnostic Lab (Storrs)
- UConn Soil Nutrient Analysis Laboratory (Storrs)
- White Memorial Conservation Center (Litchfield)
- Wickham Park (Manchester)
- Wild Ones – Mountain Laurel (CT) Chapter
- Wildlands & Woodlands (Redding)
- Windsor African Violet Society (Windsor)
Regional Resources
- Agriculture & Landscape Program (UMass)
- American Daylily Society
- The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University (Boston, Mass.)
- Basil Downy Mildew (North Carolina State University)
- Berkshire Botanical Garden (Stockbridge, Mass.)
- Brooklyn Botanic Garden (Brooklyn, NY)
- The Cary Award (Distinctive Plants for New England)
- Connecticut-Westchester Mycological Society
- Cornell University Cooperative Extension (Ithaca, NY)
- Cornell University Vegetable Growing Guide
- EPA — Region 1 (New England)
- The Herb Society of America (New England Unit)
- Horticultural Alliance of the Hamptons (Bridgehampton, NY)
- Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE)
- Mad Gardeners
- The Native Plant Center at Westchester Community College (Valhalla, NY)
- Native Plant Trust – formerly the NE Wildflower Society (Whately, MA)
- New England Apple Association (Hatfield, MA)
- New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill (Boylston, MA)
- New England Botanical Club (Cambridge, MA)
- New England Hosta Society
- New England Landscape Design & History Assn (Wellesley Hills, Mass.)
- New England Leaf Out Project
- New England Native Plants Initiatives (Storrs, CT)
- New York Botanical Garden (Bronx, NY)
- Northeast Heather Society
- Northeast Mycological Federation
- Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA)
- Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network (NEPDN)
- Northeastern IPM Center
- Organic Land Care (NOFA)
- The Pfeiffer Center (Chestnut Ridge, NY)
- Pollinator Pathway
- Rhode Island Wild Plant Society
- The Rockfall Foundation
- Rutgers/NJAES Deer Resistant Plant Database
- Tri-State Hosta Society (CT, NJ & NY)
- USDA Forest Service — Northeastern Area
- UMass Extension — Landscape, Nursery & Urban Forestry
- Vegetable MD Online (Cornell University)
- Wild Ones – Mountain Laurel (CT) Chapter (New London)
- Wild Seed Project (Portland, ME)
National Resources
- American Community Gardening Association (College Park, GA)
- American Conifer SocietyAmerican Horticultural Society
American Conifer SocietyAmerican Horticultural Society - American Daffodil Society
- American Dahlia Society
- American Daylily Society
- American Fern Society
- American Horticultural Society (Alexandria, Va)
- American Peony Society
- American Primrose Society
- Audubon at Home
- BeetleBusters.info
- Beyond Pesticides
- Biota of North America Program – North American Vascular Flora
- Botanical Society of America (St. Louis, Mo.)
- Bushel and Berry
- Celebrating Wildflowers (US Forest Service)
- Center for Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health
- The Cultural Landscape Foundation (Washington, DC)
- Don’t Move Firewood
- Ecological Landscaping Alliance (Sandown, NH)
- The Garden Conservancy
- The Gesneriad Society
- Holly Society of America
- Homegrown National Park (Doug Tallamy)
- Invasive Plant Atlas of the U.S.
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center (Austin, Texas)
- Lawn Reform Coalition
- Monrovia (Azusa, Calif.)
- National Garden Bureau (Downers Grove, Ill.)
- National Garden Clubs
- National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC)
- National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN)
- New Directions in the American Landscape
- North American Gladiolus Council
- North American Invasive Species Network
- North American Plant Atlas
- North American Rock Garden Society (Devens, Mass.)
- Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) (Eugene. Ore.)
- Perennial Plant Association
- Perfect Earth Project (East Hampton, NY)
- Pollinator Partnership (San Francisco, Calif)
- Seed Savers Exchange
- Star Roses and Plants (West Grove, Pa)
- Anthony Tesselaar USA (Lawndale, Calif)
- Two-Thirds for the Birds (East Hampton, NY)
- USDA/NRCS Plants Database
- U.S. National Arboretum (Washington, DC)
- USAblight A National Project on Late Blight of Tomatoes & Potato in the U.S.
- USA National Phenology Network
- Wild Ones (Neenah, Wisc.)