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    Invasives,  News,  Pests,  Trees

    Trees: A Tough Few Years in Connecticut

    When the winter 2018-’19 CTPA (Connecticut Tree Protective Association) newsletter, “The Connecticut Arborist” arrived, the article by Chris Donnelly titled, “2018: A Difficult Year for Trees — How Can Arborists Help?” stood out. As a reader, we’ll assume you’ve noticed the increasing number of dead and dying trees as you drive around the state. For the many of us who love our trees and hate to see them perish for any reason, Chris’s article gives us some insight on what’s going on and where. The windstorms and tornadoes in our area in March and May, the continuing advance of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), plus the combined effects of drought…

  • News

    Water Management Around the Home

    By Michael Dietz, Ph.D. SEPT-OCT 2016 – As a result of the Clean Water Act passed in the early 1970s, the quality of the surface waters in our state has improved greatly. However, there is still room for improvement, and the culprit is stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces such as roads, parking lots, and buildings. Fortunately there are things that we can all do to help. This article summarizes some steps that you can take to reduce the impact of stormwater runoff from your property. The main goal of these practices is to prevent stormwater runoff generated on your property from leaving your site. The main sources of runoff on…